AVA Little Tokyo building exterior

Construction Vendor Prequalification Process

Development and new construction have been integral to our success since our founding as a public company. We understand what it takes to bring sites through the entitlements process while minimizing risk along the way. And, since development is a local business, we maintain 11 regional offices, each fully staffed with a team of professionals in development, construction, and residential services. While we choose to act as our own general contractor in most cases, we rely on the partnerships with construction vendors, both local and national, to help us develop communities that are built to last. We also need to ensure that each vendor we work with is properly licensed, insured and meets all other qualifications to work in the appropriate jurisdiction. The below prequalification process helps both parties understand and meet those needs.

If you are interested in working with us on a new construction project, please take the time to review, complete and submit our vendor prequalification questionnaire. The information you provide enables us to evaluate your company’s safety record and financial health and is a requirement prior to being awarded a contract with AvalonBay Communities Inc. construction.
The vendor prequalification process is modeled after other successful prequalification processes in our industry and is managed through a third-party consultant, Alliant Insurance Services, whom we have engaged to perform financial and safety evaluations. Because we have aligned our process with others in our industry, you may be able to reuse information you have provided to other general contractors or construction management firms.

  1. Complete the prequalification questionnaire. It is important that all sections of the questionnaire are completed and all required backup documentation is compiled. Incomplete information will likely result in elevated risk scores.

  2. Send the completed questionnaire and backup documentation to C2MTeam@alliant.com. The backup documents MUST be sent as no more than four (4) separate PDF files – one for each of the three (3) potentially required groups of documents and labelled appropriately as instructed in the prequalification questionnaire - i.e. General, Financial (if required), and Safety (if required). Alliant reserves the right to deny/return supplier prequalification applications until they are modified to include the appropriate number of PDFs. Note that Alliant Insurance Services is a third party bound by a confidentiality agreement with AvalonBay. AvalonBay however is not responsible for the transmission of the information to Alliant Insurance Services or the security of the data with Alliant Insurance Services.

  3. Receive the prequalification assessment. Alliant Insurance Services reviews the prequalification document for completeness, validates the backup documentation provided and performs the analysis and evaluation of all content. At the end of the review process Alliant Insurance Services issues a vendor scorecard document that includes a safety score (low, medium, or high risk), a financial score (low, medium, or high risk), and a list of open issues and risks identified during the review as well as risk mitigation recommendations. As the party submitting the information in the process you will have access to this evaluation report and can direct questions about the content to Alliant Insurance Services at C2MTeam@alliant.com.
After successfully completing the process, the prequalification status is valid for up to 12 months for HIGH risk Vendors and 24 months for LOW/MEDIUM risk vendors. During this time, you are visible to all our regional projects which may result in inclusion in multiple AvalonBay Communities Inc. bidder lists. Material changes to the provided information such as bankruptcy filings or jobsite fatalities will require you to re-enter the prequalification process sooner.

Man with tablet


Please contact us at prequal@avalonbay.com if you have questions about the prequalification process.