1 person household $54,408 - $91,200
2 person household $54,408 - $104,200
3 person household $54,408 - $117,250 TWO-BEDROOM: $2,546 PER MONTH*
2 person household $61,104 - $104,200
3 person household $61,104 - $117,250
4 person household $61,104 - $130,250
5 person household $61,104 - $140,700 THREE-BEDROOM: $2,799 PER MONTH*
3 person household $67,176 - $117,250
4 person household $67,176 - $130,250
5 person household $67,176 - $140,700
6 person household $67 176 - $151,100
7 person household $67,176 - $161,550
Households must be within the income levels above to qualify.
Avalon Norwood residents are responsible for gas, electric, water, sewer, phone, and cable/internet utilities. Additional monthly fees apply for garages and pets. An increased security deposit will be required for households with pets. Housing Choice Vouchers encouraged to apply.
*Move in rents for voucher holders may be based upon the current HUD published Section 8 FMR.
*Rents subject to change at anytime without notice. Apartments contain FHA compliant features for persons with disabilities.