1 person household $142,233
2 person household $162,552
3 person household $182,671 TWO-BEDROOM: $4,571 PER MONTH*
2 person household $162,552
3 person household $182,671
4 person household $203,190
5 person household $219,445 THREE-BEDROOM: $5,282 PER MONTH*
3 person household $182,871
4 person household $203,190
5 person household $219,445
6 person household $235,700
7 person household $251,956
Households must be within the income levels above to qualify.
Avalon Great Neck residents are responsible for monthly amenity fees and utilities such as electric, gas, sewer, water, phone and cable. Additional monthly fees apply for parking.
Applications will not be approved until a completed Workforce Housing Self-Certification form is submitted to the leasing office and approved.
*Move in rents for voucher holders may be based upon the current HUD published Section 8 FMR.
*Rent subject to change at anytime without notice. Apartments contain FHA compliant features for persons with disabilities.